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Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
If you are a Client, Designer, Principal Contractor or Worker, there are several changes to make yourself familiar with since the CDM Regulations 2015 came into force on 6th April 2015.
Online Safety Solution’s aim is to listen carefully to our clients needs and to enable co-ordination within a design team to produce realistic designs which are safer to build and maintain. We can offer support and advice to Clients, Designers and Principal Contractors to ensure they meet their legal duties under the regulations. Our documentation is compiled to ensure that it is prepared to be site specific and to the highest professional standards. If you need help or assistance in regard to the proposed changes or are new to the Construction industry please be sure to contact Online Safety Solutions for a no obligation meeting with one of their health and safety consultants.
Proposed changes to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015:
The CDM Coordinator role has been removed and replaced by the ‘Principal Designer’. The Client must appoint a ‘Principal Designer’ for all projects involving more than one contractor on site at one time. Designers appointed should not commence beyond the initial design stage wihtout Principal Designer confirmation that the Client is aware of their duties.
Appoint a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor for all projects with more than one “trade” Contractor on site. The Client must appoint a Principal Designer and a Principal Contractor in writing, otherwise they will be deemed responsible for carrying out these roles.
The threshold for notification (F10 Notification). The Client is required to give prior notification to the HSE of projects exceeding 30 construction days with 20 or more operatives working simultaneously or if the project exceeds 500 person days.
All projects will require a Construction Phase Plan. The Client is required to ensure a satisfactory Construction Phase Plan is provided by the Principal Contractor (Contractor) prior to works commencing.
Removal of ‘Explicit competence’ requirements. The Client must ensure that those appointed (i.e. Designer, Contractor or Principal Contractor and Principal Designer) can demonstrate appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision.
Information, Instruction,Training and Supervision (IITS) requirements. Persons working on a construction project are required to demonstrate their capability and have the necessary resources available. They must provide sufficient information in relation to the preparation, provision and, where necessary, revision of health and safety information such as Pre-Construction Information, Construction Phase Plans and Health & Safety Files.
The Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) has been removed and replaced with Industry Guidance. This has been prepared and published by the HSE and Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).
Regulations to be simplified. The HSE has simplified the Regulations, making them easier to understand, with a view to helping and improving Small Medium Enterprise companies (SME’s) in their knowledge and understanding of health and safety in construction.
Domestic projects are now included in the CDM 2015 Regulations. For domestic projects involving more than one contractor it is likely the Principal Contractor will normally take on the Client’s duties. It is also the Client’s responsibility to appoint the Principal Designer for the project. If they do not appoint a Principal Designer then the first Designer appointed is the Principal Designer for the project. Therefore, the Principal Designer will consult the Principal Contractor in their role as ‘Client’ for the project and will be responsible for liaising with them directly.
Do you need help or advice on how these changes impact you?
Online Safety Solutions Ltd can provide competent Health and Safety Consultants who can assist with discharging the statutory duties of the ‘Principal Designer’ as defined within the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
We shall also be running informative seminars, fully explaining the new changes in legislation, enabling you to comply with the new Regulations. Seminars are free to attend and can be carried out within your own office or workplace, alternatively we would be delighted to arrange to meet with you and discuss how Online Safety Solutions Ltd can support you with these major changes to construction health and safety.