Main courses are priced at £25.00 + VAT

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The Asbestos Awareness initial course last for approximately 2 hours, including the time taken for the final exam.

Call technical support for any difficulties or required assistance with the online training systems on +44 (0) 1588 641915

oss asbestos awareness box OSS Asbestos screen
This course is designed to help protect you and others from Asbestos exposure. The course will demonstrate and show examples of areas that have had Asbestos within certain perimeters. If you think that you have found an area of a building that consists of Asbestos you should treat this with some urgency and inform your employer.

This course is purely for general guidance and you should always follow all codes, practises and regulations that are in place for Asbestos awareness. Also know what your working practices, policies and procedures are for dealing with Asbestos.

Do you know what codes, working practises and regulations are in place for Asbestos? Do you know the different types of asbestos? No? Well do not worry as our Asbestos Awareness course does cover these vital points and much more. If you need basic awareness to gain access to certain sites, then this is the course.

This course will look at the basic principles of Asbestos awareness, however after completing this course you will not be permitted, licensed or authorised to remove or repair any Asbestos under any circumstances. Making sure that you and your staff can gain quick but effective training in Asbestos awareness, gaining necessary knowledge when dealing with Asbestos materials.


The benefits of using this training system:


•Online 24/7, allowing users to participate when ever and where ever convenient.
•Training courses can been done on mobile and iPad devices.
•System keeps records of all exam attempts, certificates (5 year history), progress of all your staff whether they have not started, in progress or completed their online course(s).
•System produces certificates for users that complete any online training course that consists of a final exam (20 randomly selected questions) with a pass rate of 85%.
•Upload system data through csv formats.
•Know what progress all your staff are making at any one time.
•The Asbestos Awareness course comes in a main and refresher format.
Course content: